Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The one with the nose peircing, girlfriends, orpheum, zoo date, and petting zoo.

So its been a while. In the midst of all my sleeping late, watching movies, and hanging out with friends and family I forgot all about my little blog.
*Wednesday August 12th

So Hillary turned 18 FINALLY.
I spent the night and that morning we went to get her oil changed, bra shopping for her impossible weird bra size. :] love you. Annnd to get her nose peirced. EEK. The guy was joking with her telling her he thought her friend would pass out before she ever did. For some reason i was sooo much more nervous than she was. I felt like i was going to throw up. It went well though and the guys at Kat Daddys were really nice. It looks cute on her too. Heres pictures:

Of course this whole blog basically talks about Hillary and I. Heres a collage I made of all the wonderful girls I love the most ald hide in and wish I could hide in my dormroom. I would'nt be the same without them. <3

*Friday, August 14th
Last year was our familys first year to attend the Orpheums screening of the Wizard of Oz. We love the orpheum and its fun to go no matter the occassion. Before the movie plays they host a costume contest. I dressed up last year but this year Anne and her friend Hunter did. As cute as they looked the didnt win. Instead a creepy monkey child and skanky Dorothy won.

*Tuesday (August 18th)

Tuesdays are wonderful at the zoo because of FREE DAY! ESPECIALLYYY, when all the little memphis city schools are in session. Kevin and I have made several trips together this summer and we always do the same thing. Arrive at 2:30 and get a snocone next to the elephants after passing the girraffes and zebras. Then we see the 3:00 sea lion show. Afterwards we visit the birds exhibit and then leave to go eat somewhere. This time we ate at kooky canooks. Kevin is probably the best boyfriend in the entire world. :] just so everyone knows. <3>

Finally today.
*Friday August 19th
Today I took my car to have the front tires changed. Woo. Then i went to kroger and bought everything to make my specialty mermaid marshmallow pies from the movie the waitress. I found the recipe online and make them whenever i need a dessert for somewhere. There was a cake contest at church today and i figured other people would make pies but mine were the only ones. Oh well. I made 3 and Dad took one to band practice with his friends. Needless to say the snotty old ladies at our church judging the contest took no pitty on my pies and I recieved third place in my category. Only three cakes were entered in my category.
The highlight of the churchwide picnic however was the petting zoo. I LOVE ANIMALS AND PETTING THEM. :]

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The one with the square-head.

Fun day today. Mom woke me up and I took a shower before she left for work. I even dried and fixed my hair, which I haven't done in two days. I took a pain pill and went back to bed. Kevin (who knows the garage code) came in and woke me up around 11:45. He and Hillary agreed to spend the day with me because I'm still a little loopy and my parents had to go back to work. So Hillary got there a little later and we all went downstairs. Hillary and Kevin fixed me mashed potatoes and potato soup... which is the same thing I've been eating since the surgery. Kevin rented movies for us to watch and I stayed awake through Little Miss Sunshine. Later after more medicine i went to sleep and they stayed and watched Harold,... which is a wonderful movie, however never went to theaters so not many people have seen it. Harold, my fish, is named after Harold from the movie. :] Later Kevin left and Hillary helped me get pretty. Its hard to feel pretty enough to go anywhere when your head is as swollen and as square as mine is right now. But,... i realllly wanted to go to the Vera Bradley party. We love going, and have been to the other ones. They give away free gifts and have snacks and drawings. SO fun. We didn't win but we had a great time anyways. We all went to chickfila afterwards and while it took me 30 minutes i DID finish an entire chicken sandwich. Teeeeny bites. I had to flatten it a little with my fork to fit into my mouth too, haha. Anyways we had a great time thinking of all the other sqaure things we love that match my head. :]] Later my family and i watched the final movie of our Shirley Temple marathon... The Little Colonel. LOVED it.

Fun day. Tomorrow Kevin and I are going school clothes shopping. That should be fun. :] He'll have a great time waiting while i eat, and helping me stay on all my medicines. haha.

Me, my square head, and Hillary goin to the party. :]

Jay Leno's head.

The monsters from target.

Tator tots.

Johnny Bravo's head.

My sweet little fish Harold.

His namesake. :]

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The one with the wisdom teeth.

So Tuesday morning at 6:00 i woke up and got ready to go to the dentists. I took my valium at 6:30 and felt all tingly and loopy. We got there at 7:30 and I got an I-V put in my arm by two nurses and that is all I remember. Apparently I was good through the whole thing until we left. Mom and Dad said I cried so hard, and kept spitting out my gauze the whole way home. I don't remember anything except waking up and having a pina colada icee. Then I went back to sleep and woke up to a chocolate milkshake. Around 4:30 Daddy and i watched Kit Kitridge the American girl movie, it was adorable. Kasson and Mikayla came over next and brought me a sorbet fizz Kasson made at TCBY. I had never had one, and I have to admit it was awesome. So around 8 Kevin came over and snuggled with me. My parents have me set up in the playroom of our house on an air mattress so i dont have to go back and forth from my bed to watching movies. I love it, :]. So back to Kevin, he brought over beautiful flowers and sweet peach tea from sonic and we watched Yes Man. I dont really remember much of that movie... I think I may have slept through it. I slept really well last night, of course I had plenty of drugs. :]]] love them! I woke up around 6 and played on my laptop and then went back to sleep till 10. So this morning I had more medicine and another pina colada icee. :] Daddy and I had a shirley temple marathon, we watched The Littlest Rebel, and Captain January. Kevin visited once today, he'll be over later and while Daddy's at band practice Mom and I are going to watch the last Shirley Temple movie she rented, Curly Top. I think my friend Katherines coming over soon, so i gotta get a nap in. :]
All four wisdom teeth, two broke, but they're still prettty cool. :]

Puffy cheeks, and heating packs.

Shirley Temple. :]]

How cute is she?!

The beautiful flowers Kevin brought me. He's SUCH a wonderful boyfriend.

The one with the surprise party.

Today is Wednesday although Mondayyy, the suprise party for Kevin's 18th birthday Hillary, his Dad, and I had planned while he was away in Italy finally took place. (By the way Kevin had a wonderful time in Italy and I'm soooo happy he's home.. plus he got me a beautiful olivy-brown leather purse there.) The party was sooo much fun. Kevin was so shocked. Hillary and i got there at 3:45 to set up his house and decorate with streamers and balloons. We made a cake which unfortunately melted a tad on the carride... but the cookies from the busy bakery looked absolutely adorable. All the guests arrived around 4:45ish and Kevin was out with Raleigh and Ben, they agreed to watch him for the day. He got there at 5 and we made a road block leading to his driveway with the words HAPPY B-DAY KEVIN spelled out. In the reinactment picture its spelled a little incorrectly, haha, oh well. Once Kevin got there we swam, and his dad grilled out burgers and hotdogs. MMM. we ate cake, cookies, and ice cream, and watched a movie, road trip. Kevin took me home around 12 since I did'nt drive and i had to get a good nights sleep for my wisdom teeth the next morning. (next post).

Kevin driving up to the party.

Reinactment of the sign!

Opening presents.

Everyone in the pool.

Cookies. Yummm.

Cake and cookies.

Professional surprise-party-planners.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The one with the pajama set.

So usually on Wednesday summer nights I go to Wet N' Word devotions and swimming at our youth director, Lynn's mom's house. But sadly, today it was raining. So insteaaaad i spent the night at my best friend Hillary's house. Today will be the fourth time in two weeks I've spent the night at her house. I'm going to miss her so much when we go to college. She's going to Ole Miss. :[ Anyways, her parents are almost as great as mine... her Dad made meatball subs tonight. MMM. Afterwards we watched so you think you can dance, and America's got talent. Hillary and I made cookies, woo! cookies. Did I mention I have my own room at Hillary's house? Like I said I am a veryyyy frequent visitir. So Hillary and I have come into the habbit of watching trashy MTV shows like real world, and true life, buncha drunk idiot teens, lol, and taking dumb pictures of ourselves. We play dressup alot too. Hey, big girls can play dress up too. Plus most of the outfits i pick out for Hillary are better than her coral blouse-style pajama set, with cream polka dots, and tortise shell buttons with the ruffles. HAHA. She's wayyy cool. So anyways the rest if the night we spend playing on facebook, and which has the absolute cutest games everrr on it. Anyway, We're both about to go to sleep, tomorrows a big day for us. We may swim weather permitting... otherwise we may go to the mall and get our free victoria secret panties. Gotta love those monthly free coupons, haha... and also barnes and noble.. because she got the cutest new planner.. and I'm way jealous. Goodnight!
I know I'm pretty.
Of course... not as pretty as she.
She cannn be pretty.

...Until I pick out her outfits..
and likewise. :]

I love my Hillary Puckett.
2nd grade - foreverrrr.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The one with the beginning.

So I've been meaning to start a blog for a long time now. I pretty much just want to use it for my friends and family to see what I'm up to in college at Austin Peay, and so that later I can look back on it and see all the things I did, or thought, places I went, and friends I made over the years. Here are a few recent pics from grauduation. Enjoy! :]
Kevin and I before my graduation from Bartlett High.

My family. Anne, Mom, Claire, Dad

The girls and I after getting our caps and gowns! Kasson, Claire, Lauren, Rebecca, Rachel.